Bylaws of the Society of Academic Bone Radiologists

Version as of: 8/7/24

Article I – NAME

This society shall be known as the Society of Academic Bone Radiologists (SABR), hereafter referred to as “the Society."


The objectives of the Society are to provide an informal setting wherein American academic musculoskeletal radiologists can come together and discuss all aspects of the field of musculoskeletal radiology in order to further understand the musculoskeletal system, including its disease processes and their imaging appearances. The Society seeks to enhance patient care, teaching and research.

To meet the objectives, the Society and its members will strive to:

1. Be a collegial society dedicated to promoting education and research directed to innovative patient care

2. Foster the continuing development of the clinical specialty of musculoskeletal imaging as an art and a science

3. Conduct an annual meeting for presentations and dissemination of knowledge

4. Maintain a web site and Internet presence

5. Maintain an online "core knowledge" library of the most recent articles and clinical cases that musculoskeletal fellows and musculoskeletal radiologists should be familiar with

6. Promote order in the fellowship recruitment process


Membership in this Society shall be by invitation only, following the election procedures of Article IX.

Categories of membership are:

1a. Active member

1b. Member-elect

2. Emeritus member

Membership in the Society shall be restricted to American academic musculoskeletal radiologists, employed for at least one year in a university setting in the United States, who are engaged in the active general practice of musculoskeletal radiology including conventional radiography, CT, MR imaging and ultrasound, as well as arthrography and interventional procedures. Each member must devote at least 75% of his/her clinical practice time to general musculoskeletal radiology. Membership may also be extended, on a case-by-case basis, to other American musculoskeletal radiologists outside the traditional university setting as long as they fulfill the other requirements and are engaged in the day-to-day teaching of musculoskeletal radiology fellows. A candidate for membership must be invited to join the Society by a member in good standing. The candidate’s academic chairperson must provide a letter to the Membership Subcommittee explicitly stating that the candidate meets the membership requirements.

The Society shall consist of no more than 100 active members, members-elect and emeritus members.

Active members: Shall consist of musculoskeletal radiologists as specified above, elected as members in accordance with the provisions of Article IX. Active members shall fulfill all membership requirements at the time of invitation for membership. The rights of active members of this Society shall be to hold office, vote, and participate in the scientific deliberations of the Society. Members are required to pay their annual dues in accordance with Article X of these bylaws and must attend the Annual Meeting at least once every three years in accordance with Article XIII; those members who do not meet either of these requirements will be deemed to have, in effect, resigned from the Society. The processes for dismissal from the Society for these infractions are contained in Articles X and XIII, respectively. Members may resign from the Society by written notice to the Secretary.

Members-elect: Each individual elected by a two-thirds majority vote of the members shall be offered Society membership and deemed a member-elect. Acceptance of the offer to become an active member will be demonstrated by his/her attendance at  the next upcoming Annual Meeting or the meeting immediately thereafter; and the presentation of some scientific work to the members. At the conclusion of the member-elect’s scientific presentation to the Society, active membership will begin.  If the member-elect does not attend one of the specified meetings and present a scientific work to the members, he/she will be deemed to have declined membership. A potential subsequent offer of membership to this person would have to go through the full process of election, according to Article IX of these bylaws.

Emeritus members: Shall consist of former members of the society who have retired from active practice but who still wish to attend annual meetings. Emeritus members will have no voting rights or committee positions, but will have all other rights and privileges of membership in the Society, and be exempt from the payment of dues.


The officers of the Society shall be the President, President-elect, past-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Treasurer-elect. Officers shall be active members in good standing. The officers shall be elected by a simple majority of ballots as specified in Article VII. The term of office of each officer normally shall be two years. The Secretary and Treasurer may be reelected for a maximum of two additional terms. All officers shall serve without compensation.

The President shall be the presiding officer of the Society, Chairperson of the Executive Committee and an ex-officio member of all committees. He or she shall perform all the duties which custom and parliamentary practice commonly associate with the office of President. He or she shall appoint ad hoc committees and representatives, as needed. His/her term of office as President shall begin at the adjournment of the annual meeting during which he/she was installed as President. The President, after his/her term of office expires, shall serve on the Executive Committee, as past-President, for two years as a non-voting member.

The President-elect shall succeed the President. The President-elect shall be a member of the Executive Committee and Chairperson of the Program and Meeting Subcommittee. The President-elect is an ex-officio member of all committees. If the President is temporarily unable to act, the President-elect will perform the duties of the President. In the event of the death of the President the President-elect will automatically become President. In the event of prolonged incapacitation of the President, he/she may be replaced only by a decision of the Executive Committee taken at either the annual meeting or, at other times, by a ballot conducted by the Secretary, the President-elect then assuming the office of President. Upon replacement of the President because of either death or incapacitation, the Executive Committee shall direct the Secretary to notify the membership forthwith. Term of office of this succession will extend for two annual meetings from the time of appointment. The appointment of a replacement President-elect will be deferred until the next meeting of the Nominating Subcommittee at the annual meeting. The term of office of the replacement President-elect will extend until the new President completes his/her term of office.

The Secretary shall perform the duties of the President if both the President and President-elect are unable to act. He/she shall be a member of the Executive Committee and chairperson of the Secretariat, and an ex-officio member of the Membership Subcommittee. The Secretary shall keep, or caused to be kept, a correct and permanent record of the proceedings of the society, and shall provide safekeeping for all records and transactions of the Society that possess historical value. He/she shall keep a current list of the members specifying their addresses, year of election, and classification of their membership, and shall make this list available to the other members of the Society. He/she shall perform all other duties that usually and customarily pertain to the office of the Secretary. Not later than six months after each annual meeting of the Society, he/she shall cause to be distributed to each member of the Society a transcript of the minutes of the annual Business Meeting which shall document attendance at the Business Meeting and include the annual reports of all officers and committees. The transcript need not be verbatim; it may be condensed and abridged as approved by the Executive Committee.

The Treasurer shall be a member of the Executive Committee, Program and Meeting Subcommittee, and ex-officio member of the Internet/Electronic Media Subcommittee. He/she shall collect, receive and be accountable for all funds of the Society, including dues, and shall (along with the President and/or President-elect) be empowered to disburse from the treasury such funds as approved by the Executive Committee. He/she shall keep the complete and permanent current record, and preceding four years’ records, of the financial transactions of the Society. Records older than five years shall be transferred to the archives. The Treasurer and immediate past Treasurer shall review and reconcile the financial records and accounts of the Society within 60 days of the change of office, reporting any discrepancies to the Executive Committee. At their discretion, the Executive Committee may order an audit of the Society’s accounts by an independent certified public accountant. The Treasurer shall be responsible for identifying members who fail to pay annual dues and for initiating proceedings to terminate the membership of such individuals according to Article XI. He/she shall make a full financial report at the annual business meeting of the Society.

Treasurer-elect: The Nominating Subcommittee shall nominate a candidate for position of Treasurer-elect one year prior to the completion of the Treasurer's term of office. The Treasurer-elect shall become familiar with all financial affairs of the society and perform the duties of the Treasurer if the Treasurer is unable to act. The Treasurer-elect shall attend the meetings of the Executive Committee but will not be a voting member of that body. In the event that any officer is not able to fulfill their duty or resigns, the next officer in the chain of succession will assume the duties of both positions until the next annual meeting. Upon replacement of any officer, the Executive Committee shall direct the Secretary to notify the membership forthwith. The official replacement of any officer will be deferred until the next annual meeting. The term of office of the replacement officer will follow the usual election cycle.


Standing committees of the Society shall be as follows:

1. Executive

2. Secretariat (with the following subcommittees: Rules Subcommittee, Nominating Subcommittee,  Membership Subcommittee)

3. Academic Development (with the following subcommittees; Program and Meeting Site Subcommittee, Internet/Electronic Media Subcommittee, Fellowship Subcommittee)

and such other ad hoc committees that, in the judgment of the Executive Committee or the membership of the Society, may be necessary. Such committees and their chairpersons shall be appointed by the President unless otherwise provided herein or directed by the Society. Actions of all committees shall be reported to the membership and are subject to review and approval.

All changes of committee chairpersons and the committee members shall take place at the close of each annual meeting. With the exceptions of the Executive, Program and Meeting, and Nominating Committees/Subcommittees, committee and subcommittee chairpersons shall be selected by the Nominating Subcommittee from the current membership of each individual committee or subcommittee. In the unlikely event that a chairperson cannot be chosen from within a given committee or subcommittee, the Nominating Subcommittee may recommend any active member in good standing who does not currently serve on that committee or subcommittee. This recommendation is subject to approval of the Executive Committee.

Any member of the Executive Committee may initiate the process of removing an officer or committee chairperson for a lapse of good judgment or failure to fulfill required duties if such a lapse or failure is deemed to be severely detrimental to the Society. If, after thorough discussion and investigation, the Executive Committee decides to continue with the removal process, the officer or chairperson in question shall be informed in writing of the provisional decision to remove him/her from office and he/she will have 30 days from the date of notification to respond in writing, or in person, or by phone to the Secretary of the Society. The officer or committee chairperson in question may elect to have the active membership of the society notified of the actions of the Executive Committee within one week of the time that he/she responds. In that event, the Executive Committee shall accept comments from the active membership for a period of no more than one month. After considering any additional information, a three fourths majority vote of the Executive Committee will be required for removal from office.

The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Secretary-elect, immediate past- President, and three other elected members. The President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer are elected pursuant to the provisions of Article VI. The non officer members of this committee shall serve for a period of three or four years as decided by the Nominating Subcommittee. They will not be eligible for consecutive reappointment. Their terms of office shall be staggered.

The Executive Committee is responsible for performing the duties customarily expected of the Board of Directors of any nonprofit corporation. It shall be empowered to carry out the business of the Society between meetings of the membership, shall control and manage the affairs, funds, expenditures and investments of the Society, and shall see to the safekeeping or sale of all its valuable property. No money or other valuable property of the Society shall be expended, or mortgaged, or otherwise disposed of without the sanction and approval of a simple majority of the Executive Committee, except as ordered by a three-fourths vote of the active membership voting to reject a contested recommendation of the Executive Committee relative to the finances of the Society. The President, President-elect, and Treasurer shall be empowered to disburse funds from the treasury for the business of the Society. The Executive Committee shall propose the dues for the ensuing year, which shall be consistent with the operational needs of the Society; changes in dues shall be subject to ratification by vote of the membership. The Executive Committee may, at its discretion, engage a meeting manager. The Treasurer will include a report of the Society’s finances, including payments made and received and current balances, at every business meeting. If questions arise as to possible irregularities in the Society’s finances, the Executive Committee may vote to engage a formal audit. In that event, the Treasurer and those responsible for local meeting arrangements shall be responsible for preparing and presenting their accounts for audit in such time as to enable the audit report to be presented at the next Business Meeting.

The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Society not otherwise specified in these bylaws. The Executive Committee’s role on these other affairs is to provide advice and suggestions to the membership, with actual voting on issues done by the general membership.

The Secretariat shall be a committee chaired by the Secretary, with membership comprised of the members of the subcommittees noted below. Its responsibilities shall include the rules of the Society; liaison with other societies; administrative matters relating to membership; and nominations.

The Rules Subcommittee, of the Secretariat, shall consist of three active members, serving terms of three years, one appointed by the new President each year. The Rules Subcommittee is responsible for the Bylaws, and may be called upon to interpret them if questions arise. On order of the Executive Committee, the Rules Subcommittee shall prepare and submit amendments to the Bylaws, or may edit and submit any amendments proposed by members of the Society, or may prepare and submit any amendments which it deems necessary. The Rules Subcommittee shall receive all resolutions introduced by members; it may reword them or combine those having the same intent for submission to the membership with its recommendations. Proposed amendments should customarily be conveyed with the agenda of the Business Meeting at which they are to be considered.

The Nominating Subcommittee, of the Secretariat, shall consist of the President, the Chairperson of the Rules Subcommittee, and one other active member of the Society who will serve as chairperson for four years and be appointed by the President. This Subcommittee shall function as provided for in Article VI.

The Membership Subcommittee, of the Secretariat, shall consist of three members serving terms of four years. New members shall be appointed by the nomination committee, as needed when current members’ terms expire. The senior member, in point of Subcommittee service, will be the chairperson. The chairperson shall serve as chair until the end of his/her term of membership in the Subcommittee. The details of the process for nomination and election of members are listed in Article IX. The Membership Subcommittee shall review and screen all candidates proposed for membership as provided for in Article IX to ensure that they fulfill the requirements for membership. The Membership Subcommittee shall make available the curriculum vitae or biosketch of each nominee to each active member, prior to the Business Meeting, and advise members of its recommendations for new membership at the Business Meeting. Following approval by the Executive Committee and a voting period as outlined in Article IX, the chairperson of the Subcommittee shall be responsible for notifying the invited candidates to join the Society as members-elect. The Subcommittee is also responsible for initiating changes in membership categories and for making recommendations concerning the status of the members based on requirements described in Article III. The committee shall be responsible for initiating proceedings to terminate the membership of individuals according to Article XI for reasons other than failure to pay dues.

The Academic Development Committee shall be chaired by the President-elect. Its membership will be comprised of the members of the Subcommittees noted below. It shall be responsible for publications; research; the scientific program and site of the annual meeting; and provision of academic content (cases, scientific or teaching material) to the Society’s website.

The Program and Scientific Meeting Subcommittee, of the Academic Development Committee, shall consist of the President-elect, who shall be its Chairperson, the Treasurer, one active member in good standing appointed by the Nominating Committee, and the Society’s CME liaison. The active member in good standing shall serve a two-year term and shall be appointed each non-election year.

The Program and Meeting Subcommittee is responsible for determining the annual meeting site and the character and scope of the proceedings of each annual meeting of the Society. It shall have the right to accept or reject cases or abstracts for presentation at the meeting and shall exercise proper control over the format, discussion, and arrangements for presentations.

The Program and Meeting Subcommittee is not obliged in any way to select cases or abstracts in the order in which they are submitted for consideration. This subcommittee may invite a guest speaker or emeritus member to present at the scientific session of the annual meeting. If appropriate, compensation may be funded by the Society. Any such action shall be approved, in advance of any invitation, by the Executive Committee.

The Internet/Electronic Media Subcommittee, of the Academic Development Committee, shall consist of 3 - 5 active members, serving terms of four years, one appointed by the new President each year, as needed. The Treasurer is an ex-officio member of this subcommittee. The Internet/Electronic Media Subcommittee is responsible for the Society’s Webpage, and the use of electronic media in the administration, organization, and promotion of the Society and its objectives. The Subcommittee should work in close cooperation with the Fellowship Subcommittee and managers of the Society.

The Fellowship Subcommittee shall consist of 3 - 7 members in good standing, each of whom serves a four-year term. The Nominating Subcommittee shall appoint two to four members every two years. The Fellowship Subcommittee is responsible, amongst other things, for developing educational materials including the online library of written and case material and for promoting guidelines for the fellowship selection process.


At its discretion, the Executive Committee shall appoint Society members to serve on external committees and organizations to represent the interests of the Society to the greater medical community. These appointments shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee for renewal at least every two years.

The principle of overlapping tenure should be applied whenever possible. To accomplish this, the term of service for members of committees may be varied as needed by the Nominating Subcommittee.


Officers of the Society shall be elected at the annual meeting, each to serve for a period as indicated in these bylaws.

The procedure for election of officers of the Society shall be as follows:

The Nominating Subcommittee shall, during an election year, nominate one or more candidates for each of the open elected offices of the Society, namely, President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer, and announce these candidates to the Society at the annual meeting, after obtaining the candidates’ consent.

The order of elections shall be as indicated in the above list of elected offices.

The President shall provide opportunity for other nominations to be made from the floor, after which the nominations shall be closed. In all cases in which more than one person shall be nominated for the same office, votes shall be cast by secret ballot. If the slate of nominees is unopposed, the vote may be voice-only.

If there is a secret ballot, the Nominating Subcommittee shall act as tellers; they shall distribute ballots, collect ballots, count the ballots, and report the results to the presiding officer. The result of the election shall be announced immediately, with the candidate receiving the greatest number of votes being declared elected. In case of a tie ballot, the presiding officer shall declare the election for that position void. Additional nominations shall be sought before another vote is taken. If more than two candidates are nominated and there is a tie between the top two vote getters, the others shall be dropped and a runoff vote shall be taken.

If a quorum (twenty-five percent (25%) of the active membership in good standing) is not present at the annual meeting, then the election shall be submitted to a mail/email ballot, as described in Article VII.

Only active members in good standing shall be entitled to vote.


Voting at meetings shall be in the usual manner of open balloting and in accord with Robert’s Rules of Order unless otherwise specified in these bylaws.

Any issue related to the Society may be submitted by the Executive Committee to the active membership for a vote at the annual meeting or by mail/email ballot.

To be adopted by the Society, a position statement must receive approval by a simple majority of votes of active members at the annual meeting, provided there is a sufficient number of members present to constitute a quorum as defined in Article XII.

When voting is done by mail/email ballot, a list of issues to be voted upon, together with ballots for recording of votes, shall be distributed by the Secretary to all active members in good standing, at least 30 days prior to the date specified in such submission, by which time such ballots must be received by the Secretary to be valid.

If an issue is submitted to vote by postal or electronic mail ballot, it must receive approval by a simple majority of votes. The result of a postal or electronic mail ballot shall be considered valid only if a quorum of the membership, as defined in Article XII, has voted.


The terms of office of the officers of the Society shall be in accord with Article IV. Terms of office of committee members shall be for a term of two, three or four years as stated in these bylaws or as determined by the Nominating Subcommittee. The terms of office of any appointed member of a standing or ad hoc committee may be extended or terminated upon majority vote of the Executive Committee, notwithstanding any other provisions of these bylaws.

The terms of office for all newly elected officers, new member appointments to committees, as well as membership in the Society, will not begin prior to the close of the current annual meeting. If a chairperson of any standing or ad hoc committee is not able to perform his/her duties, the President shall appoint a new chairperson from among the remaining members of that committee after consultation with the other members of the Executive Committee and the Nominating Subcommittee.


Membership in this society is by invitation only. Any active or emeritus member of the Society in good standing may propose potential new candidates to the Chairperson of the Membership Subcommittee.

The general process is as follows:

1. Nominees are suggested by the membership with a supporting statement and biosketch (obtained online, and NOT from the candidates).

2. Those nominees approved by the Membership Subcommittee will be presented to the Executive Committee as referred candidates. The Executive Committee may vote electronically for candidates or during an official meeting of the Committee, based on needs of the Society and availability of the Committee members. Executive Committee approval of a candidate requires unanimous support of voting Executive Committee members. If the Executive Committee vote is in person, only those present are required to confirm a candidate; that is, absent members of the Committee do not count as a vote for or against approval of a candidate.

3. Those candidates approved by the Executive Committee (approved candidates) are subject to a comment period and vote (yeah or nay) within 30 days by all active members. Comments should be directed only to the Secretary. A two-thirds majority affirmative vote of the active members is needed for the invitation process to proceed.

4. Invited candidates are those approved candidates who have earned two-thirds of the members’ vote. Invited candidates are notified and asked to provide required materials (e.g. official CV, letter from department chairperson, etc.) by the Membership Subcommittee. The candidate shall be responsible for supplying the Chairperson of the Membership Subcommittee with a complete membership packet that includes:

A. A letter from the chairperson of the candidate’s department, attesting that the candidate engages in practice of musculoskeletal imaging equal to or more than 75% of his/her time;

B. A complete, signed copy of his/her curriculum vitae (CV), including all publications; and

C. The membership form and processing fee, if applicable.

5. Upon receipt of the above materials, candidates shall be deemed “members-elect” of the Society. Each member-elect shall be notified by the Chairperson of the Membership Subcommittee of their status and the requirement to attend and present at the upcoming or following year’s Annual Meeting within 30 days of receipt of the materials. Members-elect may begin to attend annual meetings after their invitation is confirmed.

6. Each member-elect’s acceptance of the offer of membership is demonstrated by their participation and attendance at the upcoming Annual Meeting of the Society or the one immediately following that, as outlined in Article III, after which they are referred to as active members.


The dues of the society shall be solicited on or before May 1 to be due and payable on July 1. Dues so paid shall cover the fiscal year beginning on May 1. The dues shall be set annually by the Executive Committee, subject to the approval of the membership, and shall be consistent with the needs of the Society.

Members who have not paid dues by September 1 will receive a second notice by September 30 of that fiscal year. Dues shall be considered delinquent on December 31 and delinquent members shall be notified by January 31 that their membership in the Society will be terminated in 28 days unless dues are paid. Failure to pay dues by the end of this grace period (that is, February 28) shall result in immediate termination of the delinquent member/s from the Society. The Treasurer shall send a notice of termination of membership to all persons with such delinquent dues and shall inform the Membership and Executive Committees of the proceedings.

Members may be reinstated within 12 months of the date of their termination by submitting a request for reinstatement, that explains their extenuating circumstances, to the Membership Subcommittee. This request will be considered by the Membership Subcommittee provided all delinquent dues have been paid. After 12 months from the date of termination, reinstatement of membership may be gained only by invitation from the Executive Committee.


The Executive Committee reserves the right to terminate the membership of any member whose activity or behavior does not support the objectives, of the Society. The Membership Subcommittee shall be responsible for reviewing circumstances of such behavior and for recommending any such action to the Executive Committee prior to the proposed termination. The member will be informed of such actions in writing, and will have 30 days to respond. The Executive Committee shall make the final determination regarding termination of membership and shall notify the person involved. The change of status takes effect immediately after such notification.


The Society shall meet annually. Such meetings shall consist of a Business Meeting and a Scientific Session. The Annual Meeting of the Society shall be held at a place and time designated by the Program and Meeting Subcommittee with approval of the Executive Committee.

Special business meetings may be called by the President of the Society or upon the written request of one third of the active membership. Such written request shall be sent to the Secretary of the Society. At such special meetings, no other business shall be conducted except that stated in the call for the meeting.

Twenty-five percent (25%) of the active membership in good standing constitutes of quorum. A quorum must be present in order for new or unfinished business of the Society to be conducted at the annual meeting. If a quorum is not present, unresolved business shall be submitted to a mail/email ballot as per Article VII.

The Secretary shall distribute an agenda for the annual meeting to all active members present. Similar agenda for special business meetings shall be sent at least 30 days in advance.

Attendance at business meetings shall be limited to members. Scientific sessions shall be open to members, and invited guests who have the approval of the President.


"Meeting" is defined as both the Scientific and Business Sessions of each Annual Meeting of the Society. Active members who fail, without just cause, to attend at least one annual meeting of the Society in three consecutive years will, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, be deemed to have resigned from the Society, and will be so notified by the Secretary. If the member believes there are extenuating circumstances, they may submit a written explanation to the Secretary, who will forward the explanation to the President of the Society. The President may choose to grant an exemption to the “one in three meeting” requirement for one additional year based on the members circumstances. The President will inform the Executive Committee of his/her decision on the matter and the Secretary will inform the member in question.

A member who has left the Society because of the “one in three meeting” requirement will have an option to reapply directly for membership to the Society. They should contact the chair of the Membership Subcommittee with a request for readmission to the Society and an explanation of how circumstances have changed that will allow the former member to meet attendance requirements in future years. The former member will supply required materials and must meet all initial membership requirements described in Articles III and XI of these bylaws. The Membership Subcommittee will follow the same processes as for initial election to membership described in Article IX, except that the process will not be kept secret from the applicant.


The fiscal year shall begin on the first day of May and shall end on the 30th day of April.

In the absence of contrary statements in these bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings. The agenda of the Business Meeting shall be set by the President and the Secretary.

Usual order of business:

1. Call to order

2. Approval of minutes

3. Secretary's report

4. Treasurer's report

5. Committee/Subcommittee reports

6. Unfinished business

8. New business

9. Election of officers

10. Appointment of committees/subcommittees

11. Adjournment

The Scientific Session and Business Meeting of the Annual Meeting may, at the discretion of the Program and Meeting Subcommittee, be conducted separately or in conjunction.


The Society may at its discretion formulate specific rules and regulations of procedure. These will be submitted for approval, by majority vote of the active members in attendance at the annual business meeting.


At any annual business meeting of the Society, these by-laws may be amended by two thirds vote of the active members in good standing that are present, provided there is a sufficient number of members

present to constitute a quorum, as defined in Article XII. The proposed amendment/s shall be circulated to the members prior to the meeting at which the vote is taken.


In the event of the dissolution of the Society, all real assets and remaining monies shall be donated to the RSNA Research and Education Fund. If such organization does not exist at the time of dissolution, then all assets shall be distributed to another recognized 501c3 organization designated by the Executive Committee.